What is InVisions?

Launching January, 2025, InVisions is a change-makers platform and national contest that empowers young people, ages 14-to-17 and 18-to-24 to build a more inclusive & equitable society through entrepreneurship and innovation.
Portrait of excited delighted teen teenager raise fist scream yeah have aims contest learn

What is it about?

People with disabilities are not always able to fully participate in society due to issues of accessibility. InVisions participants will change this inequity by innovating with inclusive and universal design principals.
Couple crossing the street. Including man with low vision using a walking stick.

Why should I care?

1-in-4 of us have (or will have) a disability. Given the size and diversity of this market, there is huge demand for a workforce that understands how to work with, and build for, all types of abilities.
Four teens and young adults bonding over making a difference.

How does it work?

  1. Register
  2. Learn about change-making
  3. Form a team
  4. Prototype inclusive solutions
  5. Pitch to win cash & prizes
Diverse group of friends celebrating their successful project